We’ve released a minor update to the program. It is free for licensed SDScribe™ 2024 users, and you can either update the program when reminded (on program startup), or from our existing customers page. A full list of the changes appears in the “About SDScribe™” box (Help menu).
Among the revisions:
Two new PFAS (“forever chemical”) imports. The US EPA retired their Master PFAS list, replacing it with the PFAS structured chemical list and the PFAS unstructured chemical list. “Unstructured” refers to substances than can have variable compositions, such as polymers, reaction intermediates, and biological materials.
Updated imports for the Canadian domestic and non-domestic substances lists (DSL and NDSL).
Updated imports for US EPA toxic chemicals (TSCA public and TSCA confidential inventories).
When entering a chemical directly into the SDS exposure limits table that is not listed in the SDS component table (a “non-ingredient”), the program now offers to add any exposure limits available in the linked Substance record.
Adding a “non-ingredient” Substance to the SDS exposure limits table.
Minor formatting and spelling changes.
The imports in this update may collectively take up to an hour if run back-to-back, depending on the speed of your computer and other tasks that may be running. If you decide to import back-to-back, before beginning check your power settings, to ensure that the computer does not go to sleep while importing is underway.