We have another update to SDScribe™ 2019, v.5.11 (the previous release was v.5.10). This is a free update for SDScribe™ 2019 customers.
As usual, if you are an existing user, the program should notify you on startup that an update is available for download.
Below is a summary of some of the changes, by program section.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) section
SDS browse list: There’s a new option to display templates only (“Any template”) when clicking on the All button at the bottom of the form. The enhanced menu ([Shift] key while clicking on the All button) also includes the “Any template” option.
New “Any template” option.
“Any template” option in the enhanced ([Shift]-click) menu.
SDS entry: The Build button now has a menu, with options to build the SDS in English or the non-English language you have selected at the top of the form. If you choose to build in a non-English language, then the program will take you to the “Build SDS non-English” tab, instead of the “Build SDS” tab.
If you haven’t chosen a non-English language at the top of the form, then the second (non-English) option won’t be available.
Selected non-English language at the top of the SDS entry form.
SDS Build button with new menu, bottom of form.
SDS entry: Added a column (“GS”) to the Component table (Tab “3 Composition”), indicating whether the component has a “Green Seal” designation. You set the Green Seal designation in the Substances section, “Green” tab.
Green Seal (“GS”) column in the Component table. Location of the column in the table depends on the “Column view” setting (the drop-down menu above the table).
Substances section, “Green” tab, area where you select the Green Seal designation (if any) for the component.
New “FDA active” column, with drop-down menu. Click on the menu title to change the menu contents.
SDS entry: Added a column (“FDA active”) indicating whether a particular component represents an active ingredient for US Food and Drug Administration labels. If so, you would select the purpose of the ingredient.
If the ingredient is not an active one (an “Inert ingredient”), or if your product doesn’t require an FDA-type label, then you can leave this column empty.
You can customize the menu items by clicking on the header (“FDA active”).
We plan to add FDA label generation capability in an upcoming release.
SDS (general): Added an SDS starter template for hand sanitizer. For existing users, the program will offer to import it when you upgrade to the 5.11 version.
Substances section
Added Substance records, plus updates to some existing Substances. For existing users, the program offers the import the records on program startup. For new users, these records are included in the starter data file.
New columns, Substances browse list.
Substances browse list: Added display-only columns to the left side of the table. For existing users, you will need to hold down the [Shift] key when opening the Substances section (as [Shift]-File-> Substances); otherwise, the new columns will appear at the far right
Substances browse list: An option is available in the Find (magnifying glass) button menu, for identifying Substance records that are associated with Supplier records by name and/or by key/link. The program will offer to correct any that:
Have a link but no Supplier name
Have a Supplier name, but no link
Finding Substance records that are associated with a Supplier record, by Supplier name and/or link.
Offer to verify found Substance records for missing links or missing names.
Supplier section
Supplier browse list: Added right-click functionality for displaying associated purchase, Substance, and part records.
Right-click menu options for a listed Supplier.
Parts found for the selected Supplier.
Supplier browse list: The Find ("magnifying glass") button menu can now find supplier records with associated purchase, Substance, and part records. The button also finds suppliers having none of these associations.
Find button (magnifying glass icon) menu.
New Purchases, Substances, and Parts tabs.
Supplier entry: Added three tabs for displaying linked purchases, Substances, and parts. Double clicking on a row takes the user to the linked item.
Parts section
Parts browse list: Enhanced the options for the Find ("magnifying glass") button menu, and added a capability to assign or re-assign the currently-listed parts to supplier record.
Enhanced options in Find (“magnifying glass”) menu.
Parts (browse and entry forms): Enhanced/added to background help.
New/updated background help.
Made minor changes to the color scheme to improve harmony among the different sections.
Edited some links in the Research menu (at the bottom of some entry forms) for URL changes.
Added a few links to the Research menu, including “Green Seal verified” chemicals and “Asia-Pacific Chemicals [APCISS]”.
If you are preparing SDSs for Asian markets, we strongly suggest checking your product ingredients against the Asia-Pacific site, for per-country hazard listings of your ingredients.
For example, check the site for Chinese hazardous chemical listings if you are marketing in China, and include them in the Regulatory section of the SDS. (There are separate lists for Taiwan and PRC).