We’ve released a minor update to the program. It is free for licensed SDScribe™ 2023 users, and you can either update the program when reminded (on program startup), or from our existing customers page. A full list of the updates appears in the “About SDScribe™” box (Help menu).
Among the updates:
New available imports for the Canadian Domestic and Non-Domestic Substance Lists (DSL/NDSL).
New available import for the US EPA Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) Master List.
New available import for the EU Harmonised Substances List (ATP-20), and improvements in handling ambiguous listings during the import process.
New available import for the EU Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Candidate List, and improvements in handling ambiguous listings during the import process.
Available import for the Massachusetts Substance List (105 CMR 670), which is a new addition to the program. Listings of this type appear as “Massachusetts Right To Know Components (105 CMR 670)”, to distinguish them from earlier listings of “Massachusetts Right To Know Components”, which mostly were from the Massachusetts Toxic Use Reduction Act (TURA) List.
New preferences for copying regulations from Substance records to the SDS, including the ability to make regulation name substitutions and to truncate the applicability text after a specified number of lines (carriage returns).
Dialog in Preferences for regulation name sutstitutions. In the left-hand column, enter the name(s) of regulations that you wish to change; on the right, enter the name that you wish to use instead, on the SDS. Shown above and behind is the setting for truncating content in the applicability field to a certain number of lines (“Regulation applicability lines to copy”).
Added a couple of “clean-up” items to the Substance browse list’s Find menu, to identify duplicate “Chemical name”-type synonyms and incorrectly formatted CAS or EC numbers. Once located, the program offers to change or remove the items.
Updated background help and guide window content in certain areas, to reflect program changes.