We have released a minor update to SDScribe™. It is a free update for licensed SDScribe™ 2022 users, and you can either update it when reminded (on program startup), or from our existing customers page.
The changes are, for the most part, minimal:
Additional report templates are available for the Batches, Parts, Purchases, SDS, and Substances program sections. These are the Quick Report templates that allow you to print the selection of records appearing in the browse lists.
For some browse lists, additional items may appear in the “Select report template…” dialog when you click on the print icon.
Several of these additional report templates include “toDisk” as part of their titles (names), which indicates that they write a file onto disk rather than sending information directly to a printer. The program will prompt you at “print” time to name the file to be created, and identify the location on disk. Once you have created this file, you should be able to open it in Excel or in other spreadsheet programs.
We updated some of the background help. The margins on printed help documents have narrowed slightly to reduce the possibility of truncated text.
We have labelled some of the “Research” buttons (globe icons) on some tabs of the SDS and Substances entry forms, to improve understanding of when to access them.
Some reports in the Batches section have slight spacing and margin adjustments, to improve legibility.
Corrections for the “Isopropanol” Substance record. This record may have incorrect EC and EU InfoCard numbers, as well as synonyms and/or descriptions on the “Hazards 2” tab pertaining to another Substance.
For new users, we have reconstructed the starter data file using revised logic for the “EU harmonised substances” import. The EU harmonised substances document (the “Adaptation to Technical Progress” or ATP) contains some inconsistencies in the use of semicolons which were causing the import to interpret some items described as “reaction mass” or “reaction product” as more than one entry.
Users with existing data files can also employ this (8.08) version to re-import the harmonised substances; the ATP 15 is available in the Imports folder of the program. Out of caution, however, we decided not to offer to re-import these substances at start-up, as you may have already made your own customizations to Substance records.
We plan to offer to import the ATP 17 at startup in SDScribe™ 2023, when we release the new version; it will probably not update any Substance records in your data file that you have check-marked as “My” (Substance) or “Verified”.