We have posted an update to SDScribe™ 2021, v.7.06 (the previous release was v.7.05). This is a free update for SDScribe™ 2021 customers.
This is a minor release that updates some of the non-English hazard classifications and SDS subsection titles. There are also a couple of new SDS formatting options, for listing hazard statements without the H-codes; and for presenting the precautionary statements in paragraph format.
Added GHS versions
There are two additional GHS versions that can be selected: “8” for UN GHS revision 8, and “US21” for the US-OSHA proposed revision to the Hazard Communication Standard. At this point (November 2021), the US-OSHA revision is not yet final; if you select it for an SDS, the program will remind you that it’s not yet finalized, and ask you to confirm that you still want to use it. Having “US21” available enables you to compare a newer copy of an SDS to the current one.
“Both” display mode
Another potentially useful feature is the ability to simultaneously display both the English and the non-English component fields of a multi-language field. This feature is accessible by selecting “Both” from the Display mode button (the former “NE lang” button, in the “Edit” section of the form controls). This button will set the display type for most multi-language fields. You can still set the display mode for a single multi-language field from its proximate “Zoom” button (magnifying glass icon), as before.
You can review the complete list of changes by selecting “About SDScribe™ 2021” from the Help menu.