The 2024 version of SDScribe™ (v. 10.02) is now available on the web site. This post covers some of the new features (for a quick glance at some snapshots, look here).
US-OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2024)
The hazard classifications and related items in the US21 GHS version now reflect the changes in the US-OSHA final rule, published on May 20, 2024. Previously, US21 was based on the notice of proposed regulation (NPRM) in 2021.
For SDSs that are based on the final rule, select the US21 option for the GHS version on the “2 Hazards” tab. If you have existing SDSs created using US21 in previous versions of SDScribe™, you may want to re-check the related pictograms, hazard statements and precautionary statements for the selected classifications (click on the Check button).
Selecting the US21 option on the “2 Hazards” tab, for a US-OSHA SDS under the HCS 2024 (final rule).
An import is available that updates California Prop. 65 chemicals (rev. 12.29.2023).
An import is available for the German water hazard classification (WGK - “Rigoletto”, rev. 4.19.2024).
The Ecological tab of the Substances entry form now includes display-only fields for the items in the WGK import: Class, M-factor, Footnote, Publication date, and Group ID.
A “Calculate class” link uses the point total system in the German AwSV regulation to derive a calculated WGK class for the Substance. (The calculation requires that GHS-related items are listed on the “Hazards 1” tab of the Substance entry form.)
There are new checkbox fields for “Substance is easily biodegradable” and “Potential for bioaccumulation has been ruled out”, which assist in the calculated WGK class determination.
Ecological tab for a Substance (in Full view) that includes a WGK 3 water hazard class rating (as listed in the German “Rigoletto” database), near the bottom of the form. Also note the two new checkboxes for biodegradability and bioaccumulation, closer to the top.
Result from clicking on the “Calculate class” link, at the bottom of the Ecological tab, Substance entry form. The Substance must include GHS-related items on the Hazards 1 tab for the calculation to proceed.
Added two fields to the “12 Ecological” tab: “No dispersants/emulsifiers” and “In water: (Floats/Does not float)”. These fields are related to the determination of water hazard class (WGK) for SDS products. They do not appear on the generated SDS.
Clicking on the “Suggest” text link performs the WGK class determination for the SDS product, generally based on on Appendix 1 of the German AwSV regulation.
Once the program determines a suggested WGK class, it offers to add it as a line item in the Regulations table (“15.1 Regulatory” tab). The WGK class appears only in the Regulatory section of the generated SDS; it does not appear in the Ecological section.
Clicking on the “Suggest” text link for an SDS product (“12 Ecological” tab) displays a dialog containing the rationale for its suggested WGK determination for the product.
Listing for a water hazard class (WGK) in the Regulatory table, “15.1 Regulatory” tab of the SDS. This is the only place where the WGK will automatically appear on a generated SDS.
The Select one button (“2 Hazards” tab) has a slightly different look when choosing GHS hazard classifications, hazard statements, and precautionary statements. Double-click, or click once to highlight a row and press [Enter], to select an item; or click [Esc] to quit.
Clicking on the Select one button (“2 Hazards” tab of the SDS) in some cases displays a revised window for choosing an item. There are no buttons shown; double-click or click-[Enter] to select a row, or press [Esc] to close, without selecting anything.
Added an “Ecological hazards” subsection to the Search button (magnifying glass icon), on the Substances browse list.
Ecological hazards subsection of the Search menu (magnifying glass icon), Substances browse list.
On the Substances browse list, if you enter a number in the Quick search box that could plausibly be a CAS number (10 numeric digits or less), the program will ask whether it should search for a properly-hyphenated CAS number. Click on the Other search button (or press [Esc]) at the prompt, to instead proceed with the default, name-type searches.
Confirm prompt after entering a number in the Quick search box, Substances browse list. The prompt appears when the number entered could plausibly be a CAS number without hyphens.